Multi-mode radios for the oil and gas sector

Better workflow management

The oil and gas industry rely heavily on critical voice communications, but also use a lot of near- and real-time data. For example, companies often want to implement better mobile workflow management applications across all their production facilities and deploy a solution for remote asset monitoring and control automation of equipment.

Man looking at oil drill

Better reliable coverage

Workers at isolated facilities or oil pipelines crossing remote areas usually rely on private TETRA two-way radio networks, as there is no other option available other than expensive satellite terminals. But other personnel working at major refineries and offices often favour using broadband communication devices. It can, therefore, be a problem to find a solution that keeps both sets of personnel happy. Hytera multi-mode advanced radio terminals solve the problem, as the radios support PMR, LTE, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. This enables both parties to use the radio standard best suited to their job role and geographic location, while also allowing them to communicate with each other.

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Manage applications

As well as providing multi-mode voice communications, the device supports oil and gas workflow management applications. The application normally exchanges data with the control centre via LTE and Wi-Fi as the primary networks. But if these are not available the data can still be transmitted via the IP-based TETRA network backbone.

Oil and gas multi mode

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