Transport and logistic systems are a fast-paced and complex movement of people and goods, that require reliable communication for instant tracking and security. Hytera has a wide range of Radio Communications to provide the best fit for any size or scale of distribution or logistics sites. Enabling increased efficiency, safety, and delivery accuracy from factory, to warehouse to delivery operations -ensuring smooth efficient workflows and productivity as well as the all-important profitability.
Value-Add of Two-Way Radio Communications for Logistics and Distribution Operations
Better Efficiency due to reduced operating costs
Warehouse and Logistics staff are often dispersed widely over different locations and working to tight deadlines. Radios supporting group calling make it much easier to coordinate activities, contact lone workers and to relay messages to many people simultaneously saving on time and providing better workflow management.
Better Coordination
Warehouse and Logistics supervisors need to coordinate teams dispersed across different locations and with some working alone. Two-way and PoC radios enable staff to communicate with each other instantly, anytime, anywhere.
Instant Communications
The group calling capability of DMR and PoC devices means managers can communicate with large numbers of staff simultaneously, rather than have to contact them all individually, saving time.
Workflow Management
DMR and PoC devices can support job ticketing, workflow management systems and status messaging making it easy to schedule jobs, pre-assign workers to tasks, and confirm task completion.
Hands-Free Wireless operation
Bluetooth technology enables connectivity to wireless microphones, improving the user experience and allowing personnel to communicate while keeping their hands free to carry out assigned tasks.
Enhanced Worker Safety
A variety of safety features can be added to radios, so in addition to emergency calling they can send automatic safety alerts to supervisors and colleagues as well, meaning workers are better protected and do not have to carry separate help alarms. DMR radios can be connected to alarms such as smoke detectors and intrusion alerts ensuring the right people are informed immediately and enabling a faster response to any problem.
Improved Connectivity
Private radio systems allow signal coverage and capacity to be tailored to the exact needs of the organisation and its facilities. High levels of redundancy can be implemented to increase availability guarantees. Narrowband services can be complemented by PoC broadband communications.
Logistics and Distribution Case Study
Hytera Ensures Smooth Operations in Finland’s Leading Logistics Company
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